&hint1=I am a 20th century structure designed by Walter Gropius& &hint2=I feature ribbon windows and structural steel hidden by stone in monumental building projects& &hint3=I encapsulate the machine aesthetic in architecture& &hint4=The main building of this group has the shape of a propellor when viewed from the air& &choices=Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of the Grande Jatte;Light Prop for an Electric Stage: Light-Space Modulator;Unique Forms of Continuity in Space;Bauhaus Stairway;Bauhaus Buildings;In the Time of Harmony& &answer=Bauhaus Buildings& &search=Walter Gropius Bauhaus& &title=Bauhaus Buildings& &artist=Walter Gropius& &medium=& &date=1925-26& &location=Dessau, Germany& &dimensions=&